When was the last time you felt like yourself or did something for yourself? Self-care is the most important thing you can do to reset. Statistics show when you take care of yourself first you better serve the people surrounding you. Just like any other routine, getting consistent with skincare can help you feel in control over yourself and your appearance. Working towards clear skin with professional skincare opens the door for a new and healthy lifestyle. When your skin looks better, you feel better!

“more than skin deep”!

the spa next door




One of the most powerful, non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments available today. One treatment. Endless options. Specialized patented equipment to exfoliate, extract and hydrate the skin. Serum boosters to target certain skin concerns and conditions.


Chemical peels improve the look and feel of the skin. Peels are ideal if you want to rejuvenate, hydrate and refresh your complexion. This treatment is for more advanced skin conditions including acne or aging signs such as fine lines, wrinkles, discolored skin and scars. The premise of a peel is to initiate controlled damage of the skin, in order to incite the body’s own mechanism of repair.


Besides promoting relaxation, facials and masks are the simplest form of treatment and are an improved routine to skincare. Facials aid in circulating blood flow, exfoliation and detoxifying the skin. Masks hydrate, moisturize and improve skin tone. These treatments can be customized to a clients needs.


The Spa


Girl, it’s next door!

Truly, it’s next door! I know all about the hustle and bustle of daily life. When I created this business my focus was to offer you a very personal space, a genuine connection and the convenience for your personal time.


See you soon! Carrie